
Trinity Market was Hull’s second market hall, principally for fruit, flowers, and vegetables and opened in 1904 on North Church Side by 1928 it contained 74 stalls. In 1941 the first of these halls was destroyed by bombing, and stallholders from it were accommodated in the North Church Side hall. Trinity Market hall was then further extended in 1950 and 1958 by 1962 it contained 98 stalls!

The recent refurbishment of Trinity Indoor Market is central to the wider project of re-purposing the Old Town, delivering a vision where the city’s medieval heart is brimming with vibrant pubs, cafes and bars around a re-energised Market Square.

Facilities have been upgraded and the redesigned ceiling now allows light to flood over the railway style arches and down onto the stalls, these improvements make the market a much more appealing and inviting shopping atmosphere that complements the adjoining Victorian Hepworths Arcade. The reinvention of the food offer has created a hub of
contemporary street food, generating footfall alongside the traditional traders.